Gobble Gobble Beard

Happy thanksgiving eve everyone!

While racking our brains on what to write about today... I've stumbled on a few interesting bits of hairy information, namely Turkey's have beards!

For your enjoyment: A turkey's beard is "the black, hair-like feathers on a male's breast," and can grow to great lengths... So much so, that they wind up being quite the prize. Hunters covet these 'beards' so much that the National Wild Turkey Federation keeps a set of records on who's the longest beard bagger. The full list speaks of glory and hairy records, and points to winners from the annual Wild Turkey Beard World Series... wow, just, wow.

Special thank you to an unlikely source for this info, Shavingstuff.com's post Turkey Beards, let's shave turkeys not faces and we'll be the best of friends...

There, now that you have something to talk about at the dinner table tomorrow... our job is done here. Hope you all will have a great Thanksgiving, enjoy the food (get some turkey in your beard), and most importantly... remember to thank the beard.