American (Beard) Idol

It will be a bittersweetly hairless win if Siobhan Magnus goes all the way on American Idol this season...

As some (if not most, shamefully) have seen, last night on Idol, Siobhan's boss ("Booker") committed to not shaving his beard until his talented (ex?) employee is awarded the top title this year. If you were wondering, Siobhan is from Massachusetts and was a glassblowing apprentice before she was chosen for the show... we're assuming Booker was her mentor... a bit scary.


Either way, for the benefit of our devoted readership -- not due to personal interest -- we've tracked down the photos above from the man who made beards famous on Idol, and we have nothing but the most beardly respect for him... however, we don't have to root for Siobhan now, how can such a flannel happy beardo go to waste?! NEVER!

However, Siobhan's rendition of Stevie Wonder's "Superstition"  is definitely something to behold... hear it for yourself (we spared you the judging, the "yo dawg, yo c'mon" comments and most importantly Miley's drivel)... but remember, don't root for Siobhan... root for Booker, thanks.