When Duty Calls...

Sometimes, as reporters of all things hirsute, we need to cover a topic that might make most of our readers blush (or take for instance, this co-founder).  I wouldn't consider myself a prude, but as I stumbled upon Heckler Spray this morning, perhaps I should rethink that.  Heckler reported that a woman (I am hesitant to call her a singer/songwriter at this point) by the name of Majela Zeze Diamond has written a song about having sex with bearded men - and writes explicitly about the joys it brings to her... shall we say... erogenous zones. 

This Internet "star" has been quoted as saying, "Men are good for money, sex and vagina,"  but her recent “I love having sex with bearded men” video is why we're covering her today. 

A word to those sitting at work - this video, lyrically, is NSFW