Award Entry Open: Mustached American of the Year 2010

Bravo to The Atlantic,  who recently ran a feature on Aaron Perlut, chairman of the American Mustache Institute, and one of the leading 'stache experts in the country.

As reported (and Williamsburg & Greenpoint should take note): "This week the AMI announced it is accepting nominations for the third annual "Robert Goulet Memorial Mustached American of the Year" award, to be doled out at the annual 'Stache Bash' in St. Louis, where Perlut resides and works as a public relations and social media consultant, and where the AMI is based."  

Tip: Get your votes in by 10/8 if you want to be considered.  

Key quotes from Aaraon Perlut on his top 20 picks: 

  • "Hulk Hogan, really, while wearing a mustache, brought wrestling into the mainstream, made it much more a part of the American sports entertainment landscape and was looked upon, beyond just his wrestling ability, but as an idol to many young children for his work ethic, and of course his Fu Manchu."
  • "Ron Burgundy reminded us of the greatness of the 1970s and how people we looked up to, to bring us and deliver us the news, were mustached Americans."
  • "We are a very celebrity-driven culture, and Tom Selleck, during the '80s, was one of the few mustache stalwarts who was at the same time considered one of the most handsome men in America."
  • "Since 1970, really since he finished 'Deliverance,' Burt Reynolds has been a leader in American mustache culture and a consistent idol for young mustached Americans. 


Looking good, Tom.