Coney Island

Coney Island, Here We Come!

In association with Coney Island USA, Donny Vomit presents the 3rd Annual Coney Island Beard & Moustache Competition taking place on Saturday, September 11th, with pre-show/registration from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. and judging/show to follow.  Tickets are $15 at the door.

It's a celebration of facial hair - all lengths and orientations, artistic stylings, and unkempt scruff - highlighting our local favorite beardos and 'stache supporters.  Contestants have the opportunity to enter their furry faces in the following follicle categories:

  • Best Moustache styled
  • Best Moustache Natural
  • Best Beard Style
  • Best Beard Natural
  • Best Fake (or real!!) Female
  • Best in Show
  • The coveted Worst in Show

Jennifer Miller, the lady with the beard, will also be in attendance cheering on the contestants and scratching her own facial fuzz.  In past interviews, Jennifer has been quoted as saying: 

"You’ve got Hair Club for Men: they all want it! It goes all the way back to Samson and his big mane of power. That’s why men don’t want women to have too much of it in too many places. So, here I am, a gal with a beard, prancing around the streets of New York.”

Rock on, Jennifer.  BaB realizes that September 11th is a tough date for our precious city, but this competition full of shock, awe, pride, and amusement, might be a much-needed distraction that offers some sort of relief for how heavy the city feels on that day.

Consider going - and growing.