George Clooney

Oscar's Golden Beard Shines Bright

Forget about the falling on the way acceptance, the drug addled 'stars,' the mile a minute gibberish, the CGI bear or even Babs making people wet in the general eye area.

The Oscars last night were all about the beard. Full stop. Below is our proof, should you need it or missed it... we could go on pasting examples of fine facial hair fortitude, but thinking you agree we've made the case when the beardiest picture won top Honors, while best actor went to the dude protraying one of history's most famous beardo. 

Congrats Ben, you deserve it... you've come a long way since your hairless child-face in Reindeer Games. Kudos.

We are tagging this post under Beard Ball, because frankly that's what it was at heart, just take a look at the volume...

From the scruff of Liev...

To Jennifer Aniston's +1's slightly bigger mass:

Credit: Getty

The sly smile on Bradley's hairy face:

Credit: GettyTo Paul Rudd's Monet beard:

Credit: Herald SunHugh's chivalrous facial hair follicleness:

Tommy Lee's mainstay and tenured beard:

George's Oceanic chin mane:

And finally all the way to three producers, three beards, three Oscars... a billion smiling fans:


Of course our good friends at Pop Sugar already have a poll out who wore the best beard (though a limited selection). You can vote here.

Top 5 Beards at the Golden Globes

Before we jump into our round up, we'd like to point out one thing... there were undoubtedly more beards on a red carpet since the heyday of Hollywood or at least since last year's Beard and Mustache Championships... to us last night's awards event serves as just another example of the "Year of the Beard," we hate to tell i told you so... but we did, you know it.

The credit goes to Pop Candy and USA Today for making the first round up (their top 10 can be found here), for tackling this important ranking and helping us with the perspective on last night's facial fuzziness -- which Whitney Matheson called "last night's must-have accessory" -- and also to for last year's round up (which can be found here).

Now that the accreditation formalities are out of the way, below are the winners and our top 5 (with a tie for 5th)... enjoy, and know that we know beards, so why argue...?

  1. William Hurt -- Best All Around
  2. Jon Hamm -- Best New Beard
  3. George Clooney -- Best Salt & Pepper
  4. Vincent Kartheiser -- Best Two-Tone
  5. Jeff Bridges/Robert Downey Jr -- Best Goatee(s)

1. This magnificent facial mane was surely used as a distraction from crap on his shoulder... success!

2. If you will it, they will come with an awesome beard... YES!

3. It's George... with a beard... what's not to love... it's GEORGE!

4. Well, whatever this is, we think we like it... probably have to, Mad Men and all...

T5. We just love both of you dudes... and unlike beards, goatees rule only as much as those they are attached to.