Huntingon Beach

Growing To Love Beard Comments

Yesterday, Build-A-Beard received a lovely email from Tyler Williams, a born & bred Orange County gentleman, who reached out to let us know that - should we be interested - he'd like to participate in an interview. From first glance at his vivacious beard & genuine heart, we were down to talk with him.


First, Tyler lives in Huntington Beach, California, where the beard scene has been "a pretty popular fad that's coming back from the 1920's & 30's." Tyler noted that he used to hate comments about his beard, but now he's grown to love them. He has sported his current (and only) beard for 7 years, which he started growing at the age of 25. "It has grown on me quite literally, and it has become part of my identity and how I recognize myself."  It started out as a bet - who among his friends could withhold shaving - but as Tyler won, so did his facial hair, as he decided not to cut it off and simply embrace it.  


More awesome on Tyler - "I try to be an artist as I love be creative. I write a bit too as just a free flowing outlet to express how I think I am feeling. I am thankful that there is a God out there that has blessed me and continues to bless me with a beautiful wife and 3 kids, a loving family, and a group of friends that I have acquired over time that will come and go in life, but to whom I'm forever indebted to. Without all these people in my life, I would just be a vagrant wanderer not knowing where I'm from and where I'm going."

Yep - confirmed. He's one awesome bearded man. 
(Photo credit: Tyson Smith)