Norway Set to Crumble Under US Hair Mass

You already know we know, we know that you already know... we all know what's going to happen, but most importantly WHO will make it happen for US at the World Beard and Moustache Championships?

Phil Olsen, founder and self-appointed Captain of Beard Team USA, has announced the starting line-up for this year’s World Beard and Moustache Championships taking place in Trondhjem, Norway, on May 15, 2011. The line-up includes five current and former world champs. While we are told to expect additions as the big day approaches, we wanted to showcase the confirmed sampling of the heroes on whom shoulder the hopes of America.

Godspeed beardos and stache-mates, we are with you even if not right by your side... make us proud, and we know you will. USA USA USA USA!

Starting Line-Up brought to you by Beard Team USA: