Zach Galifinakis

Mansome = Must See

"You can't let the mustache break you. You've got to wear the mustache!"

IF there is a summer flick I am watching - it's Mansome.  Already out in select theaters, this documentary explores a man's identity in the 21st century. "From America's greatest beardsman, to Morgan Spurlock's own mustache, executive producers Will Arnett, Jason Bateman and Ben Silverman along with models, actors, experts, and comedians weigh in on what it is to be a man in a world where the definition of masculinity has become as diverse as a hipster's facial hair in Williamsburg. The hilarious follicles of men's idiosyncratic grooming habits are thoroughly combed over as men finally take a long hard look in the mirror."

In the age of manscaping, metrosexuals, and grooming products galore - what does it mean to be a man?  My answer - sweet facial hair.  Maybe I am wrong.... maybe I am right. To each their own. Let's watch the film.

Boycott SNL Until Zach Galifinakis Grows His Beard Back!

Since the inception of Build-a-Beard, co-founders Riss & El Beardo have expressed a high level of interest/sick borderline obsession in interviewing Zach Galifinakis' beard.  

That dream is OVER!  Enter: WTF

Tonight, Zach "hosted" Saturday Night Live (and if by "hosted" we mean he was only the lead in one mediocre skit during the last 4 minutes) and it was during that lukewarm live sketch where he sported a clean-shaved face.  His gorgeous beard of pure awesomeness and brown hair was sliced and diced revealing... a mere mortal.  

And for what?  NBC?  You're not winning any of us over these days! So to answer Gawker's question - is it possible for Zach G not to be funny?  Build-a-Beard can easily answer that -- yes, it is possible -- it's also possible for him to piss us off by choosing a razor over the art and dedication of growing!  TRAITOR! 

Remember when you were magical and glorious?  So do we Zach - so do we!  Oh and to everyone who laughed at this opening stand-up routine, most of that is old material, which can be found: HERE