banning beards

Beard News

I am sitting in the suburbs... trying to amuse myself by flipping through my mom's 'O' Magazine & watching deer eat apples in my backyard (true story, btw) when the local TV newscaster announced a beard discrimination case.  It seems that three Orthodox Jews who work as volunteer rescuers in suburban Baltimore are claiming discrimination in being barred from working because of their beards.  Why? Their beards could possibly interfere with rescue breathing masks.  Check it

In other news, I am sad to report that all amateur boxers in England have been banned from fighting if they have a beard. The Amateur Boxing Association of England (ABAE) has ruled that all boxers, regardless of their religion, must be clean shaven (wtf?).  Beards are outlawed in amateur boxing for reasons of health and safety. The ABAE said it was to prevent scuffing, scratching and eye injuries.  Shame on you, ABAE.  Beards make dudes look tougher... & 100 times cooler... and sometimes 100 times scarier.  It's a freedom of expression, is it not

Finally, Michael Gene Terrelonge (aka: ''The Bearded Bandit") has turned himself in.  He's been wanted since July of 2004 for holding up banks and became well-known as a robber who disguised himself in fake beards, moustaches and sunglasses that covered most of his face. He would also wear heavy theater makeup, a hat and surgical gloves, as well as a wig, authorities said. Sometimes he'd wear fake bushy eyebrows and padding to disguise his body.  We called bs on this from the beginning.  In this case, go beard or go... to jail.