
The San Francisco 'Stache Situation

I am new to San Francisco and like a jilted lover, I am finding it hard to leave behind and forget about the pace, overall awesomeness, cut throat attitudes, and general kick-ass vibes of being a 7.5 New York City resident. Or Christ, I can say it - a New Yorker (after all, I earned that description).  So I am trying to cope.  

No, really.  

I've already been to Napa for a weekend, which was lovely.  I've gone to almost every cool restaurant in San Francisco via Yelp. I've sampled my fair share of beer, whiskey, and wine. I love Bi-Rite market. I've checked-in every day on Foursquare to my work's office. I've started my mornings eating granola. I've ended nights with a vegan Rosamunde sausage. I've tried my best not to puke while admiring yet another North Face jacket. I'm not 100% sold on this city, but hell, it's not a bad city to be in when compared to others so perhaps I should stop complaining.  

But then... then... I run into Mission Mustache (put on by the California League of Adult Scavenger Hunters) and try not to wince as I hear people stating that they're going to participate in events where "10 teams of late 20 to early 30-somethings will descend on the Mission in fake mustaches, following clues and racing to earn the most points by drawing mustaches on walls, urinating on mustached portraits in alleys, and striking up mustache-related conversations with strangers."

Perhaps the latter statement of that quote is cool, but the rest... what an amateur hour.  We don't hold events like this in NYC.  We hold events like a Beard Ball and we fork over a chunk of change to a cool, local non-profit or The Coney Island Beard & Mustache Competition or The NYC Beard & Mustache Competition vs. "trying to pee on Ghandi" for a set number of competitive points. 

Check out this passage from The Mission Local blog: "Hipsters with real mustaches stare as the green team chugs pints of Pabst Blue Ribbon at the 500 Club, and people walking up Guerrero stop in their tracks when they come across a 15-person human mustache pyramid on the sidewalk.  The last clue calls for the team to shotgun cans of PBR. They set up on the steps of someone’s apartment, where they shotgun and spew, and then toss their empty cans against the building."
Stay classy, San Francisco.   

But I shouldn't judge the beard/stache scene here solely on this article alone or this group.  After all, World Champion Jack Passion calls this city his home... so there is some big-time legitimacy for facial hair enthusiasts.

Perhaps this is my call-to-action. Perhaps what San Francisco needs is a NYer to throw an organized event and raise money for a local charity while supporting those who truly love their beards and mustaches -- grow them out of dedication and desire -- vs. trying to style a stranger's stache in order to win a 6-pack of PBR. 

It's time. I'll be in touch with solid plans for a 2012 gala, but let's not also forget about local Movember efforts. And in the meantime, keep your dicks in your pants and stop pissing in the Mission for the "cause" of mustaches.  


Stache 2012

We have always said at B-a-B that facial hair transcends politics. Our love and devotion to promoting global hirsute appreciation goes beyond and above any other social issue (or fiscal)... that said, it should be the goal of all beardos and stachemates to eliminate pogonophobia from all corners of the world. Arguably, the best way to do this is to elect officials with facial hair.

Those mates are hard to find (and even harder to find are the gals)... but, we have found one. If you haven't met or heard of him yet, please meet Herman Cain, he is currently running for president of the United States. Like or dislike his politics, or that of his GOP compadres (all of whom, including Michele Bachmann) are facial hairless.

Herman, who recently won the Florida Straw Poll, you have our support... just don’t shave. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can grow for your country.

Welcome to the US Spotify, Way to Prove It

So, Spotify has finally hit the US... The award-winning music service that’s taken Europe by storm has now come to U.S. shores. Millions of tracks ready to play instantly, on your computer and your phone. the site boasts it's awesomeness by this tagline gen: Any track, any time, anywhere. And it's free!

That's cool and all, but what's cooler is this 'about' video who's lead role is a stached drummer! From this day forth, to us, you will be known as Stachify. Way to prove it brethren.

'Staches Hit the Valley

BaB has covered the tech 'stache & beard scene for a while intervewing such media notables as Dan Patterson, Twitter's Trammell, TWiT's Tom Merritt, etc. etc. But what really made us smile was an article in The Wall Street Journal that discussed perks in hot start-ups highlighting Airbnb's "Mustache Monday" office policy - where employees can feel free to sport some follicle fierceness.

Know any other start-ups with "pro-hair" office mantras?  Hit us up!   
 (Photo credit: Airbnb Flickr Page)

Joseph Waldo "Mustache Man" Arrested In NYC

Back in January, BaB reported on the spotting of fabulous "mustached" curly tags being drawn on billboards in NYC subways.  Sad to say that NYC police have caught the 26-year-old graffiti artist who had a way with a black Sharpie.  Joseph Waldo was arrested on charges including felony criminal mischief and possession of a graffiti instrument.  Estimated damage for his "artistic touch" is estimated at about $1,500.00.

Interestingly, it was through Internet bragging that this Gray Line tours employee was busted.  

(Photo credit: New York Daily News)



Heavenly Staches -- BEHOLD!

Thanks to our friendly scout Peter Ha from The Daily, we have been alerted to signs from the above and the many greater forces than man (and some women) in suport of facial hair. If you had any reasons to doubt that there is something greater out there, somewhere, consider this your pie in the face.

First came this from Peter:

Followed by this via the Googles:

Then this...

Then THIS:

 And finally this gem:


Way to #proveit Stache Gods... beard Gods, you're on next.

It's A Really Long Story, Chet.

"The question isn't 'what are we going to do,' the question is 'what aren't we going to do?'" 
The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller's Day Off rank high on my list of all-time favorites with Weird Science outranking both, for the record.  Yet upon discovering the documetary "Don't You Forget About Me," a few of my beloved John Hughes' actors are all 'stached out.  Alan Ruck is sporting a sweet Fu Manchu and Emilio Estevez & Judd Nelson are rocking some plump goatees.
(Pic: Alan Ruck - middle)
(Pic: Judd Nelson)
(Pic: Emilio)

Must-Have Mustache Accessories

The rules of attraction still might come down to the physical features of men and women, but here are two solid ways to capture an onlookers attention:

  • For ladies who want a little 'stache (beyond their boyfriend's or growing one) they should consider some stud earrings to lure a mate. 
  • For men, an often overlooked, but completely important accessory of a suit is the cufflink. Cufflinks are a stylish and elegant accessory that emphasizes a man's individuality and what better way to further distinguish yourself from the crowd than by rocking a mustache on both the face and... wrists.

For $59.00 GothamSmith is selling stainless steel mustache cufflinks.  

It's ok. Be the talk of the party & dare to twirl multiple mustaches.  

(Photo: GothamSmith)

Best of CES 2011

This year I was unable to attend the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, but that didn't prevent me from scouting beards & staches on platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.  Thanks to the watchful eye of Mr. Jon Synder, I stumbled upon the following picture of this magnificent specimen rockin' not only a killer 'stache, but one hell of a kick ass shirt (note the strategic badge placement to show it off), over-sized glasses (I'll refrain from further commenting about that), and clutch water-bottle (an obvious trade show pro).   

Now I can barely make out his name, but believe his tag reads "Ronald Taraze" and thanks to Jon's detective eye (and a few DMs exchanged), believe the company is Lockheed Martin .  

So whoever this mysterious gent is at CES.... if you see "Ronald" walking around as the show comes to an end -- run up & shake this man's hand.  He's BaB's winner for The Best of CES 2011.


Just like after a wedding (or an engagement... read on), the party that was the NYC Beard and Moustache Competition has left me with the inevitable feeling of "well, now what?!"  The copious amount of planning that went into it, the tons of anticipation this brought on, so many nerves and butterflies filling many a stomach, the myriad of press and out-of-towners with millions upon millions of hairs filling chins and lips and descending to my hometown of Brooklyn... sadly, it's all over now... so, what do we do?!


Sob stories aside, I'm glad that my wife (and future son) gave me the opportunity to attend this monumental event... which is my long winded way of saying that I am still an expectant father and didn't get "THE Call" on Saturday, and was able to cover and partake in the festivities.

Myk O'Connor's rallying call prior to the event (as reported here) rang truer and truer as each category was moving through judging... fake beards out of the way, onto goatees, straight into freestyle, recession beards and finally... the piece de resistance, the full natural category... Myk ran the show like a smooth yet hairy operator of sorts, taking shots and quoting bearded literature sages (achem) while boosting the matchups and giving the IFC "Whisker Wars" people plenty of competitive fodder for their storylines.


That said, the one storyline that we took away from the event was the expertise that Build-a-Beard has bestowed on us, and the insane amount of information we eagerly retained through our hairy tribulations over the last few years... I, like Riss, am now an expert on beards... insanity.

To exemplify this, just look at the winners and our predictions:

  • Full Beard --
    • Prediction: Jack Passion (unless Mark Krayenhoff enters and brings the Brooklyn thunder)
    • Result: Jack Passion wins, shocker (Mark enters Freestyle, gets bronze), Aarne Bielefeldt garners 2nd place for his gnomish effort.
  • Moustache --
    • Prediction: Ben Davidson (unless he hasn't been working out his arm strength and loses in the run-off arm wrestling)
    • Result: Ben got 2nd place (should've exercised more...), a Ned Flanders lookalike steals the stache gold.
  • Goatee --
    • Prediction: Steve Cline (since Paul Beisser is sure to have severe jet-lag)
    • Result: Steve Cline takes the local gold as expected (surprisingly, Paul went the "ZZ Top" Route).
  • Freestyle --
    • Prediction: A German Pretzel
    • Result: No Germans in attendance, so a US Born pretzel got the prize (our favorite twisted beard of the night, Jon Rice, got robbed...).
  • Recession beard --
    • Prediction: Someone from Detroit
    • Result: not sure where that guy was from... but he had a great outfit.
  • Fake beard -- 
    • Prediction: A girl with a bigger bosom than beard
    • Result: her fake beard was so mesmerizing I forgot to look at her bosom...

The highlight of the night for me, other than being treated as said expert by IFC production team (and even by the one and only Thom Beers himself!), was the marriage proposal that Myk surprised his fiance Karolina Gwiazda with, it was adorable... see it for yourself below:

With the cutesy formality out of the way, below are the videos of all the winners being announced... it was our pleasure to report on this for you all, both here and live on twitter/facebook... so just know, the source of all your up-to-the-minute hairy news is right here, Major thanks to all those that showed B-a-B love at the event (and for those that didn't, surely you'll change your mind sooner than later)... to quote an IFC exec: Thank you Big Apple, you've been delicious.

P.S. You can find our entire collection of photos from NYCBMC in our Hairy Pics tab, or just click here (you lazy ass).

Brooklyn, Start Your Beards... NYBMC is here (there)!


The New York City Beard and Moustache Competition (hosted by our good friends at The Gotham City Beard Alliance), a charity event (with proceeds going to The Feal Good Foundation and the northeast's largest and most important beard and moustache competition is happening TOMORROW!

Visit the Gotham City Beard Alliance site fill out the Registration form if you plan on competing, the tickets are available for purchase at TicketWeb, so get them now or donate an additional $5 at the door (for a total of $20 to play). Club Europa (98 Meserole Ave, where else, Greenpoint/Brooklyn) will be the location, and the festivities will start promptly at 6pm... don't be late.

What's better, is that the organizer is B-a-B's greatly hairy friend Myk O'Connor, who's rallying call ("This is the year of the Beards, with IFC rolling out a new show called Whisker Wars, America promises to be the dominating force in facial hair!") should energize any and every facial hair wearer (or wannabe) from Brooklyn to Burbank.

The night will be supplemented by the sounds of DJ Corn Mo and The Intergalactic Fighters, with on-site trimmings courtesy of Tomcats Barbershop... AND a giant cut-out of The Rockettes to boot.

Don't miss this, trust me, as you always have (perhaps more so)... your favorite beards and staches will be there, come out or miss out.

Categories (and our predictions):

  • Full Beard -- Jack Passion (unless Mark Krayenhoff enters and brings the Brooklyn thunder)
  • Moustache -- Ben Davidson (unless he hasn't been working out his arm strength and loses in the run-off arm wrestling)
  • Goatee -- Steve Cline (since Paul Beisser is sure to have severe jet-lag)
  • Free style -- A German Pretzel
  • Recession beard -- Someone from Detroit
  • Fake beard -- A girl with a bigger bosom than beard


Surely none of this would be possible without sponsors, and Myk as amassed many. The good people at Scenic Presents (, Beard Team USA (, Coffee Lab Roasters (, Tomcats Barbershop (, and Blue Beards Original ( all deserve our thanks and business for helping NYBMC come to fruition. KUDOS to you all!

Hope to see you there,
El Beardo and Riss

P.S. While I am planning on attending this awesome event... truth be told, I may not make it. My wife, let's call her El Beardette, is 9 months pregnant... and we are both anxiously awaiting the arrival of little beardo, whose actual due date is, wouldn't you guess it, Saturday 12/4... If at all possible, I will make an appearance, if not... well we got field reporters covering this from all angles.

Hairly Yours,
Alex "El Beardo" Aizenberg

10Qs with a Stache-o Ben Davidson

Ben (or Benjamin as facebook calls him) Davidson is a man who needs an introduction... his stache however, does not.

At the 2009 World Championships, By Mathew Rainwaters

I first met Ben back stage at the National Beard and Moustache Championships in Bend Oregon this past summer, and his stache followed him everywhere, so i met it too, and what a stache it was... while of course not a match to the winner of the natural stache category in Bend, Ben's tache is something to behold, envy and of course in our case, commend.

This gent is a quiet yet fierce competitor whom has taken the gold (and bronze) both nationally, locally and even internationally (full scorebox for Ben's stache is as follows, all for natural stache category: 1st place, 2009 NYC BMC; 3rd place, 2009 World Championships in Anchorage AK; 1st place, 2010 Coney Island BMC; and most recently 1st place in the 2010 Ohio BMC, Dayton OH).

Given this track record and this being the month of the stache (Movember), we decided to award Ben the coveted (and arbitrary) title of "Beardo of the Month!" I sat down with Ben and talked bearding (or stache-ing), grooming, thunder, arm wrestling, and much much more... read on!

When did you first grow or start growing it? how long as it been since your upper lip saw any sun?
I started growing facial hair in 2007, I think. I had a small beard for a while and then shaved that off leaving just the stache in the summer of 2008. So it's been about 3 - 3 1/2 years since my upper lip saw some sun. 

How'd you get into competitive bearding (or staching in your case)?
I basically just happened upon an ad for the First Beard and Moustache Competition in Coney Island, NY in September of '08. I really had no intention of entering the contest, and just wanted to check out some crazy and hilarious facial hair. When I got there everybody said I should enter, I did, and won first place in the natural moustache category. That spurred me on to go to future competitions.

The staches are always well represented at competitions, but think often also get a back seat to the beards, why is that?
I assure you, I don't know. I suppose it could be because it can take a lot longer to grow an immense beard. I can grow my stache out in 6 months or so. Also beards are easier to see from a distance.

Aren't you happy/thankful that (THE) Jack Passion trims his stache and does not (yet?) compete in your category... be honest.
Haha, I love Jack's beard as most people do, but he derives most of his power from his beard's immense volume, and the fact that said volume is bright ass orange. If he were to shave down to just the stache he would lose some of his shock and awe. I think it would be a pretty close competition between us. I don't think I've ever seen a large orange handlebar moustache. That would be pretty sweet. But I suppose in the end, I'm pretty content with him competing in the beard category.

You had to arm-wrestle a guy at the Coney Island BNC for your title... not quite the traditional way to win, but it seemed to work in your favor (what was the age of that guy, 95?). Do you like traditional rules of say the national Competition or those on the local circuit like at Coney Island?
No way, that guy was 75 at the most! I'll take traditional rules any day. At least arm wrestling could be considered kinda manly. If anybody asks me to start singing and dancing it's over for me. I don't go there.

Let's talk grooming... Your stache is glorious, and it really really suits your face... how'd you train it to do what you want, or are you just blessed with the coveted stache gene our scientists are working tirelessly to isolate?
Well, I could go on all day about this, but I'll keep it short. I do have good moustache genes cause my hair grows fast and really straight. If you have really straight hair and a somewhat thick moustache, you can probably have a moustache similar to mine. Anyway, make sure you condition it in the shower but not too much. I have to find a happy medium, if you condition too much or too little, it frays out a lot and is harder to manage in general. Immediately when I get out of the shower I smooth it into the general shape, and put two little clips into it to hold it back away from my mouth. I leave them in just a few minutes then take them out and add some lotion. Regular hand moisturizer will do, you may have to try a few different kinds to see what works best. That's basically it. If you want to know more, hit me up on facebook or at a competition.

Seriously though, what are top 3 tips you can give on stache growing and upkeep?

  1. When you first start growing your stache, don't trim the hairs that grow from the middle of your lip. There's an awkward period when all those hairs will go in your mouth, which is kinda a pain in the ass. If you stick with it though, they will get long enough where you can spread them to the sides and they stay out of your mouth 90 percent of the time.
  2. Stay Healthy. If you're healthy, your facial hair will grow faster and more luxuriously. Have you ever seen a really fat guy with a terrible beard?
  3. Try using Elmer's glue to hold your styled stache in place. It dries in seconds and holds better than any wax I've ever tried. It washes right out with water, is non toxic and safe for kids.  

Who are your top 3 stache wearers through the years?
Rollie Fingers for sure… Ben Davidson (a football player from the 60's and 70's, he had a great stache)… I don't know... Tom Selleck?

It's Movember, or nearly the end of it, why do you think it's the staches that get the largest facial hair donations to charity each year? Our good friends at Bearduary is a distant second, but overall Movember is in a class all its own... is it just because its' easier to show the growth progress on a daily basis with staches, or is there something magical in the wax?
Because moustaches are funnier? Maybe because you have to make a concerted effort to grow a moustache. You could accidentally grow a beard, but you have to make the effort of shaving most of your face to have a stache. Also, people just want an excuse to grow a moustache.

Would you ever shave yours and start again if you couls have some high paying sponsors?
Oh Hell yes! I'd do it for low paying sponsors as well, if anybody has an offer.

Are you going to bring the thunder for the New York BMC?
I will be in attendance although, I'm still undecided about bringing the thunder…


P.S. While Ben's stache is amazing, and awesome, and hairy and all that... dont be fooled, Ben can grow a pretty sick ass beard too. Kudos!

Today Is 'Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache' Day

That's right, readers! Today is "Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache" Day.  And although I am not reporting live from the bedroom (sadly my man only has scruffy sexiness not a full blown 'stache) I fully support any efforts to raise awareness for solid charity organizations. Over the years Asylum and numerous other media organizations and popular Websites - from reporters to editors to interns - have taken the Movember challenge (aka: growing a mustache for the month of November to raise awareness and funds for cancers that affect men).

During this time, women have encouraged (or endured) their partners growing 'staches for this awesome cause, but are often left feeling unsatisfied. Since the majority of women can't grow facial hair, and faking one only brings us mild amusement (wait, we're talking about mustaches here... focus).... Asylum, in cooperation with the American Mustache Institute, decided to declare Have Sex With a Guy With a Mustache Day on November 18th for women all across the world to actively participate in Movember efforts. 

So go grab onto a handlebar! Still in shock? Confused? Too prude to comprehend?  Too distracted speed dialing your mustache friends to meet up later? 

Emily McCombs



Mustaches vs. Cancer Benefit In NYC

Most readers are familiar with Movember this month, but there is a special two month mustache-a-thon known as Mustaches vs. Cancer where all money raised will go directly to the pediatric department at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.  Since 2008, just two short years, the hairy faces of Mustaches vs. Cancer have raised over $75,000 to directly benefit pediatric cancer care and research.

If you don't feel like growing a 'stache for this awesome cause, at least have a laugh browsing them, and find it in your heart to give a little.  We were sold in supporting this organization once we read their "About" section, which states: "The idea behind Mustaches vs. Cancer is to have an event in which many people can participate with a minimal amount of commitment (a mustache in no way hinders your daily life, it can only enhance it)."

The free event is happening TONIGHT, Wednesday, 11/17 at 7:00 p.m./'stache pageant begins at 8:15 at Johnny Utah's and will feature mustache themed drinks, bull riding, and a live band.  


Award Entry Open: Mustached American of the Year 2010

Bravo to The Atlantic,  who recently ran a feature on Aaron Perlut, chairman of the American Mustache Institute, and one of the leading 'stache experts in the country.

As reported (and Williamsburg & Greenpoint should take note): "This week the AMI announced it is accepting nominations for the third annual "Robert Goulet Memorial Mustached American of the Year" award, to be doled out at the annual 'Stache Bash' in St. Louis, where Perlut resides and works as a public relations and social media consultant, and where the AMI is based."  

Tip: Get your votes in by 10/8 if you want to be considered.  

Key quotes from Aaraon Perlut on his top 20 picks: 

  • "Hulk Hogan, really, while wearing a mustache, brought wrestling into the mainstream, made it much more a part of the American sports entertainment landscape and was looked upon, beyond just his wrestling ability, but as an idol to many young children for his work ethic, and of course his Fu Manchu."
  • "Ron Burgundy reminded us of the greatness of the 1970s and how people we looked up to, to bring us and deliver us the news, were mustached Americans."
  • "We are a very celebrity-driven culture, and Tom Selleck, during the '80s, was one of the few mustache stalwarts who was at the same time considered one of the most handsome men in America."
  • "Since 1970, really since he finished 'Deliverance,' Burt Reynolds has been a leader in American mustache culture and a consistent idol for young mustached Americans. 


Looking good, Tom.  

3rd Annual Coney Island BMC Wrap Up

As you know by now (given the myriad of live postings and up to the minute results updates), El Beardo went to the 3rd Annual Coney Island Beard and Moustache Competition... presented by the lovely Joanna Firneno and the curly Donny Vomit.

Unfortunately, because my suit was at the cleaners, my suspenders lost and the briefcase back in my father in-law's possession... I was unable, or unwilling, to compete my Championship Corporate Beard. Regardless what follows is a complete recounting -- to the best of my ability, given the copious amounts of beer that surrounded the event -- of the festivities, the beardos, the staches, and overall hairy awesomeness that last night's party down on the shore came to be... and what an event it was!


What really warmed our heart was the 'show must go on' perspective of the organizers, competitors and judges... there were ample hiccups (4 total competitors for natural mustache? no problem, we'll make do), issues regarding facial hair standards (OH: "well that's what happens when your categories have no concrete standards, they are learning as they go...") and so on... but not to be fazed, Donny and his motley crew of characters (which also included Cowboy and World Champion Trick Roper, Chris McDaniel; Jennifer Miller, The Lady with a Beard; and sword swallower Heather Holliday).

All in all, I really enjoyed the raw debauchery of said competition... it was a welcome break from the many rules, standards, and guidelines that we've heard and seen in other competitions, even the mostly freewheeling National's in Bend earlier this summer. However, the natural category winners were B-a-B friends from National's and Magnificent Specimens (i.e. returning champ Myk O'Connor), which  wholeheartedly  vindicated the results and gave full credence to the event in our books.

All in all, a great job done by all... especially the styles mustache category entrants... clearly, and by far, the most fully loaded category with nearly 15 contestants in the first round alone... the Hipster stache movement was and is alive and well by the beach in Brooklyn. So, without further ado... the select awesome photos from last night are below, other can be found in the Hairy Pics tab for your hair enjoyment.

Also check out the Competition's fan page on Facebook, goodies galore.

The Crowds, Setting and Judges




Natural Mustache Finalists

Natural Beard Finalists

Sideburns Finalists

Styled Mustache Finalists

Styled Beard Finalists

Fake Female Beard Finalists

THE WINNERS! (and judges)